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Writer's pictureB. Leah


2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that we ought to "walk by faith, not by sight." This is not blind faith, lile we have no clue who we are lead by. This is the active reality of noticing distractions while we are on this faith in God journey. 

See the distractions but don't be entertained by them. Notice the distractions but don't let them tell you up or tempt you to be out of character. The distractions are at times a year but can also be the enemy looking to get you so far off track that you forgot what road you were on. 


Our faith must remain informed by God's Word. Otherwise we will get off track and in this season (lifetime) we can not afford to be off track.

Tips for today:

1. Notice the distraction and immediately tell God about it. 

2. Reaffirm your faith today with God's word.

3. Confess to the Lord the things that normally catch your eye, the things or character traits that may normally have you going in the opposite direction. 

4. Trust God to keep you on target.

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