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Marcel Hodge

Why You Always Lying

#TheDarkRoom is a blog series that highlights the lives of people

who are answering God's call to minister.


From a very long time I never understood why I would have issues with lying. Before you share this post with large eyes emojis, please listen. We all lie to each other, to God, but mostly to ourselves. Want a simple test? "How are you doing, really?" That simple word on the end exposes the truth and underscores the fact that we lie. We have told ourselves we are okay with being broken that we have began to believe the cover up.

I lie because I like to control things. If you ever meet me one day, I can almost guarantee that you won't think I'm controlling, but results have come back and....That was a lie (Maury Voice). I lie because I never want to control my image and narrative. People have gone on about how nice of a person I am, respectful, and kind. When I come into certain rooms I am greeted with warmth and love based on a well crafted image. I like being liked. We all love being liked. But lying to make sure you like me is extremely unhealthy. There is a lie that is connected to the lie that I have believed is true (Read it again, it confused me too).

I have believed that I am liked based upon my image and everyone's personal assessment. People don't want the true Marcel but his performance. It is all a lie, a lie that not only must be confronted but die.

Why do you lie?

What have you told yourself that has forced you to retreat to lying?

God confronts us with truth and we don't want Him to see us. So, we hide, our image has been exposed, our narrative has been found a hoax, and God demands answers. Many lies have hindered me and one final lie made things burst at the seams. I have lied about how I have felt about God, specifically His treatment as of late. I was the angry older brother in Jesus' parable about the prodigal son. I felt I had done so much for God but never felt celebrated or loved. When the truth is I struggled with being loved my whole life. But that's for me to know not the world, and if the secret was ever exposed then...I don't know what then. That's the issue with lying to God about ourselves, there are alternative facts we want to believe about ourselves. I confess I have lied to God about myself, my marriage, and my sin. My lying wasn't wicked it was for protection. I needed to challenge my estimation and submit to Gods evaluation. I lie because I am insecure about being loved and loving others. Why do you lie?

Grow. Love. Grow.


About The Author

Marcel Hodge believes in using creative communication focused on growth in Christ, men's issues, and church/leader development. Open dialogue, introspection, and maturing in our love for God are the intended aim. His mantra, "The highest form of love is to invest in people.", is what drives his life, ministry, and entrepreneurial philosophy. It is his prayer and dream to promote the spiritual, emotional, and economic health of God's Kingdom. Marcel has rededicated his time and focus in serving God's Kingdom by investing in creatives, leaders, and entrepreneurs to further the gospel. You can learn more in his upcoming blog, "Grow. Love. Grow."

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