We are in the middle of a pretty hot discussion here about eating clean. Tomorrow is our last day on JJ Smith's #GreenSmoothieCleanse and as we move on it's important for us as a couple to make some decisions about our next steps. We would LOVE for you to weigh-in (pun intended) on our steamy discussion. Is it better to have a cheat day after several days of clean eating or to have a cheat meal after several days of clean eating?
Leah has identified that her relationship with food is inappropriate and can be a form of idolatry. Sometimes she eats foods that are unhealthy because she's had a bad day, she's bored, or because it's time to celebrate. She has also dealt with binge eating. Medically, Leah is an obese woman and has to lose all this extra weight! Leah feels really strongly about eating clean daily and that if there is an established cheat period that the foods chosen may not be on the list of clean food but they won't be so unhealthy that it would be difficult to go back to the clean eating regimen.
Ché feels like there should be an established cheat day. A day where they can eat whatever they want all day and that at the end of that day; the clean eating regimen resumes.
So we decided to pray about this issue and share the hot discussion with you via Facebook and Instagram. STAY TUNED for all the recommendations as well as what we decide!
S P E A K L O R D !