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But do you know how to receive?

B. Leah

Ché and I, at different times in our lives experienced holding a lot and a little. We have both shared stories with each other about times when we were able to pretty much do whatever we desired because our income was greater. What is amazing, is the experience that one can have when the lot transforms into a little.

So many of us love to give. We love to help folks that are in need of a little extra. Sometimes, we give away gently used clothing, shoes, coats, or kitchen appliances so that we can help someone else out. We all tend to want to pitch in to help a senior citizen make sure she/he has enough warm clothing, food in their pantry during the winter months or an air conditioner during the summer months. We donate toys in the winter and turkeys in the fall. We show up to plate food at shelters and soup kitchens. We throw parties to pack purses for women we might meet that are homeless and could use a few extra items to make her a little bit more comfortable. We use funding from our businesses and get tax write-offs for our philanthropic efforts. We go in!

Do you know how to ask for help? Do you struggle with feelings of worthlessness whenever you are on the receiving end? Have you ever had to ask for help securing your basic needs? The givers seem to always be in the position to keep giving. We have observed affluent folks give and give and give and would never think twice to ask for help from those they give to. I believe, until the wealthy consider the poor as those that have value to their conversations, businesses, or initiatives the poor will continue to be devalued.

People that do not have a lot of money in their accounts, don't drive fancy cars, or own their own homes have so much to offer. People who experience financial insecurity are some of the most clever, brilliant, loving, giving, caring, and innovative folks you'll ever meet!

This message is to folks who don't worry about how they will feed their families next week.

  1. We encourage you to lift your eyes to God, keep giving, but be more intentional about devoloping relationships with folks that you give to.

  2. We urge you to give year round; don't wait until the winter months to spread all this LOVE. Families that get support via food stamps and WIC need support January - October.

  3. We challenge you to find ways to pour out your resources from God's ever-blooming heart of LOVE and not your buckets of charity.

  4. We need you to not be ashamed if you ever find yourself in lines to apply for food stamps, adding your names to a list of families that need support getting out of debt, or if you are on the receiving end of a coat drive!

We believe that God's LOVE will not ever humiliate, devalue or belittle those that are below the poverty line. In fact, God says that these folks are blessed!

When you receive, give thanks to the One that supplied the resources and appreciate the folk(s) that chose to be generous.

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