Telling stories is one of the oldest traditions of humanity. The art of storytelling is critical when groups of people want to see change, raise money, during sentencing after conviction in court, inviting people to events, and even when they take vacations. We tell lots of stories. Stories help children when they are in danger as they remember the tips given to them from their elders. Stories provide a sense of security, hope, community, and love to our people while incarcerated.
Your story is a declaration of war against trauma you've experienced.
Your story is a promise of hope.
Your story is a like a lamp stand in the middle of a dark wilderness.
Your story is alive.
On March 25, 2017 I will be leading a FIND YOUR VOICE! webinar
and I would love for you, your group, or ministry to participate. We believe that this workshop will inspire, encourage, empower, and spark hope. We want to help cultivate a community that knows how valuable and deeply blessed it is. We want to inspire you to tell your story of resistance, power, love, hope, courage, resilience, justice, patience, healing, restoration and redemption. Revelation 12:11 tells us that we will make it to the other side because of the sacrifice that Jesus made & because of our voice (testimony)!
Gather your friends, family, ministry partners, classmates and join us on a Saturday morning for 30 minutes via webinar. This time will be power-packed with tools & testimony to help you use your voice to shift the atmosphere!
Click on the flyer to register NOW!