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Leah Burgess

So the Lord urges you to stand up in the middle of a crowded bus and tell people your story. But you are too afraid to do it. Is that disobedience? Are you willing to be disobedient to God in order to preserve your sense of privacy, normalcy and pride?

It is hard to be transparent, mainly because we have been taught in so many ways to save some for later. We've been taught that the stories of our lives that we've collected, that now collect dust are only meant to be shared with a few people and in some cases nobody.

I am willing to suggest something radical; maybe we are so private that it is next to impossible for others to get free. Maybe we are so private that is difficult for others to see Christ in us. I usually have a list of ideas to help us think through a concept but this time, nothing other than a plea in the form of a prayer.

Lord God in Heaven, I know you are holy and righteous and wonderful and so amazingly creative and purposeful. I know that everything you have created has a specific purpose. Abba Father I pray that each of us that read this post will abandon ourselves in pursuit of a life that is full with you. I pray that no matter what it takes that we are willing to be a living testimony at all times. I pray that we stop being so closed off, obnoxious, and self-pursuant that we are willing to be transparent. I pray that we stop spending so many hours of the day being private with you that we begin to disrobe all of our insecurities, fears, desires, fantasies, failures and flaws that we see no need to pick up those items to hide ourselves when we engage with others. God help us to be so transparent that the only thing people do see is You in us, through us, and around us. Heal us Lord from every single thing that has manifested itself against ourselves! So that our bodies, the things we say, the activities we participate in, the food we eat, the stories we share are like a window and your glory is what is shining through!

In Jesus name. Amen.

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