Yesterday I spoke to a sista I have been knowing since 7th grade! She is an inspiration to me in so many ways and yesterday she shared that her baby sister (30+ year old) is a Black Belt! I was shocked and happy and further inspired.
I kept thinking maybe I can do something WITH my body too. For so long I have been doing things to my body. I have been doing things around my body. I have been doing things to reject my body. But what if I decided to do something WITH my body.
The word WITH describes unification, a synchronized action. It reminds me of conversations sex offender treatmenr providers would have at work with sex offenders/harmdoers regarding consensual sex. Helping them to think about consensual love making WITH their partner vs consensual love making to their partner. Notice the difference? I do.Â
I know semantics semantics. But in my mind it makes a difference. Now to figure out the logistics. We can't afford for me to take a martial arts class, but maybe I can start doing some core work WITH my body. Maybe I can start by moving past how uncomfortable it is to move my body. Maybe I can start by remembering that GOD IS WITH me when my body is being challenged by different exercises and movements.
G O D Â I S Â H E A L I N G Â M E !
The logistics for me is to work (prayer) through the challenges of moving my body. For those who do not understand trauma narratives, you may just say "get up and do it"! But for this girl (me) I will need a loving SAVIOR, REDEEMER, HEALER, and FRIEND to continue to massage that good old hypothalamus to get me going in a sustainable way!Â
I want to take this next step in my #HealthyMindBodySoul journey WITH my Lord & Savior. I am not trying to go before Him or Without Him!Â

I want to walk WITH Jesus.
I want to LIVE WITH Jesus.
I want to thrive WITH Jesus.
And I don't want to cut our time short on earth because I misused or abused my body!
How about you?