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she earned it!

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FRIENDS!!!! I EARNED A 4.0 during my first semester of Divinity School! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The excitement, the joy, and the reality of that has set in. And yet a few days before 2nd semester started I endured an anxiety flare up! The emotions were running wild, the impostor syndrome made an appearance and I was sitting and doubting that I could be successful twice.

But my husband prayed for me after I gave myself the the green light to be vulnerable and tell him what was bothering me! He prayed for me. He told God to give me what I need to be confident. He told God what I needed in that moment. And i'm grateful because I can do this! I am capable! I was made for this! I was called to ministry and I was called to last semester and I'm called to this semester! I'm not an impostor! Last semester I worked hard and I earned every A! This is real! God gave me every resource I needed in order to do well and be well!

This semester i'm taking with me a few things for the road. I did extremely well last semester but i'm not perfect. Below are a few things i'm working to improve:

1. Read all the material (cramming at the end of the semester sucks)

2. Pray often alone and with classmates

3. Create a schedule and stick to it

4. Continue to limit the amount of time I spend on social media & watching streamed TV

5. Start seeing a therapist at my school (I want to be my very best when I minister to people)

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