We are tired of Blackness being considered a weapon of mass destruction. Our bodies are valuable. Our minds valuable. Our ideas and genius, valuable! We just want to hold space for all of us/you who are also tired. We are weary and burdened. You may be experiencing headaches, digestive issues, rage, confusion, wanting to justify Terence Crutcher's murder because you just can't seem to believe that this could happen again! Many of us are coping with emotional eating, increasing substance use/abuse, all in the name of mending the wound.
We are tired. I imagine you are too.
We are looking for rest the only way we know how.
There is no veil large enough to conceal us; nor would we want to hide. Just saying.
If you are tired too, let us know what you are doing to survive and possibly stimulate thriving.
We would also like to share our list of healthy coping strategies too:
Listen to the birds chirp in the wee hours of the morning
Sing one of your favorite songs out loud
Dance naked
Play in the rain
Take a Mental-Health Day (sick day, PTO etc...)
Gather with other people who are hurting
Go to the library
Unplug from social media for a short or long period of time
Don't watch the videos of Black people being killed by law enforcement
Join a protest
Throw a party
Call someone
Take your lunch break
Get to work on time & leave on time
Go for a walk in nature
Take your meds!
Make love with your spouse
Tell someone you love them
Make an appointment with your therapist
Eat clean
Drink water
Read poetry
Go to an open mic
Host a tea party
#TIRED #TERENCECRUTCHER #blackinAmerica #blacklivesmatter #BlackFamily #oppression #racism #antiracist #love #selfcare #faith #hope #hopeful #tools #exercise #eatclean #volunteer #callafriend #sleep #takemeds #TAKESCOURAGE #library #walk #water #stretch #valuable #youmatter #bodies #BlackMen #BlackWomen #BlackChildren #holdspace #coping #healthycoping #2016